Friday, October 22, 2004

Jim Edwards - Multi Media Newsletters

Jim, Jim, Jim,

Love the guy and everything he represents.

In short, the concept is this:
  • Traditional email newsletter marketing is fraught with peril.
  • You now have to do something "outside of the box" to differentiate yourself.
  • Multimedia newsletters not only do that but a) are a lot of fun to put together and b) create a fascinating emotional bond with the audience you don't typically see.

Funny thing is, the first two points are the very things I've tried to solve with TipsMachine.

The reality is that he's on to something here. I love the IGottaTellYou newsletters and, as a result, will listen to whatever it is that Jim has to tell (or sell) me.

He's (as always) onto something here - expect more multi-media from me in the future.


This just in (added 11/5/2004) - multi-media newsletters are even easier with - launched at the event and finally live.

Randy Charach - 123 Web Marketing System

Again, breaking it down to make it doable. Nice.

Big theme with this guy is a big theme with a lot of the speakers - and it also happened to be a big theme in the bar talk last night -

Big Profits in Offline Marketing

Something to chew on.

Declan Dunn - Right Now Marketing

Declan Dunn, the master, is on stage as I write this.

He has an amazing skill at taking these tasks and generating them down to a system that anyone can actually follow.

Marketing isn't the pie in the sky stuff that so many people want to say and position it as. It can be done as a system and tracked as sure as you track anything else.

Did I mention Declan and I are doing a teleconference on November 9 on the NEW Rules of the Affiliate Game?

Carl Galletti - Time Tested Copywriting for the Internet

Just met Carl for the first time at The World Internet Summit in Nashville. He's just so nice and approachable.

Funny thing is, copywriting has always scared me away a bit and he has this ability to make you feel like you can do it.

But it is a skill, and skills need to be learned.

But, wow, what a profitable skill to learn, eh?

Stephen Pierce - Multi-Dimensional Marketing

What if you only added one additional element to your marketing efforts, what would happen?

Stephen hit a few thousand or so options for those additional elements during his presentation and I have pages and pages of notes.

He also drove this one home -

You can make good money on what, you get rich on why.

Example, an ebook about gardening will do well, but an ebook on organic gardening for people scared to death of pesticides will do even better, get a bigger following and make you much more money.

Excellent stuff.

And, he gave a gift to me. The mighty might Stephen Pierce bought a copy of TipsMachine and offered to give me a testimonial before I got a chance to act.

Class act, great guy, wish you could have been here.

Day 1 of the Big Seminar Begins

with a parade of speakers and then the great Stephen Pierce on Multi-Dimensional Marketing. He's not going to hit affiliate marketing, is he?

Word is, he's asked for an extra 30 minutes. I wonder why?

I'll send more when I have more.