Thursday, April 21, 2005

Never Before Revelead: Top Secret Internet Businesses

Armand, as always, helped end the Big Seminar with a bang.

In his typical "here's what I've been up to these days" style, he showed us a few things:

1. Flipping properties on eBay.

2. eBay as product development (you had to be there).

3. Buying Web businesses off of eBay and fixing them up (a bit) and reselling (for a LOT MORE).

As always, he's teaching a class on it. As always you can buy it for $2400.

Here's the twist - AM2 Gold members get the entire class for free.

T. Harv Eker - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth - Big Seminar Atlanta

Wow, ...

I had read the book and was "worried" it might be little more than a rehash of his book.

I was wrong.

First of all - incredible speaker. Of all the classes I might be taking from this guy in the future, his train the trainer series is at the top of my list.

My biggest takeway? I'm where I'm at financially because it's where I've set myself to be at financially. I've never purposely sabotaged my own efforts (as many have) but I have set some silly limits on what I can do based on, really nothing.

The ceiling has been broken and, say it with me "I have a millionaire mind!"

(I guess you had to be there)