Saturday, October 23, 2004

Marlon Sanders - Breaking the $100 Info Product Barrier

Marlon has been a long-time inspiration to me. From seeing the "Marketing Ninja" back in 2001 (if you have to ask, I can't explain) to today, he continues to amaze me.

GimmeMyMoney was the blueprint for, my most profitable info-product in my first three years, and I've digested as much of this guys stuff as I can.

Was funny, in 2001 I saw him welcome in the world of the eproduct only, telling me about the joys of letting go of his garage full of product.

The message in 2004 - you need physical product, good stuff, nice looking material, to break the $100 product line.

He gave us a model, some examples, and some great links. He also inspired and made us laugh. What more could we want?

P.s., if you haven't ever signed up for his affiliate program, do yourself a favor and do just that.