Friday, April 08, 2005

Summing Up the Rest of Big Seminar 5 (Day 1)

Wow, it's way past midnight and I have to assist Mike Stewart in his presentation first thing tomorrow morning.

So, you get a stream of conciousness post.

First of all - as mentioned earlier - for the Blow By Blow, visit Marc Quayles' Blog

Excellent stuff.

For some multimeida, I get three Podcasts out at

Podcasting is big. More on that tomorrow.

Attended the VIP Dinner and the 1ShoppingCart Cocktail Party. People are buzzing, JVs are being made left and right.

Who would have thought - me, Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel doing something together. Stay tuned.

I recorded the most excellent SoundSeeing Tour last night of the Buzz at the Bar but, ... I decided not to "let it out" to protect the, well, not so innocent.

I guess, for the time being, if you want to participate in that part, join us at the bar.

Why does Michel Fortin always make me feel better about myself when he's done speaking?

Again, as promised, a lot more tomorrow.

Good night.