Thursday, September 22, 2005

Women's Power Summit - Day Before Big Seminar / Same Hotel

Women considering the Big Seminar (register here) should also consider the Women's Power Summit, the day before the event. It's at the same hotel as Big Seminar and looks to be an incredible time.

A few interesting facts on the event:
  • Only 101 women will be allowed to attend. It closes then. Imagine the built-in networking opportunities offered by this simple fact alone.
  • The sooner someone signs up for the event, the bigger their bonus package (and it is an impressive package). Check out the site for more information.
  • Jeanette Cates is speaking on what women can do with their EXPERTISE.
  • Loral Langemeier is hitting what women can do with their MONEY.
  • Libby Gill will cover what women should do with their BRAND.
  • Stephanie Frank presents the secrets to what women should do with their BUSINESS.
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